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About Me


Hey there! Welcome to My Short Stories. I am a story-teller. I like telling the stories to people for the entertainment purpose.

Storytelling has been my hobby since my childhood. Creating short stories to cover-up my mischief from my mom was my favorite one! However, making stories to save my peers was the most satisfying moment.

I mean, we all have done it at some point of time to either save our-self or save others from the dire results. So, telling short stories has been in all of us since our early days.

Stories are a part of my life since childhood. I have listened to different stories time to time at different places from different people.

I used to be engrossed in the stories so deep that I couldn’t keep the account of time. Just like with almost everyone, my grandparents too used to tell me the stories that always fascinated me.

Though most of those were fairy tales but also some of them were of little horror taste. But, after telling me the horror stories and seeing my terrified face, my grandparents always made sure to switch to some short humorous stories to lighten the tense mood.

Credit to Grandparents

Credit to Grandparents
Credit to Grandparents

My grandparents were humble enough to oblige to my request of telling the story at any time of day. Such was there love & affection for me.

I mean, don’t we all have ‘misused’ the unconditional love and simplicity of our grandparents during our childhood! But of course, we all did this unconsciously.

Grandchildren find an amazing level of bond with their grandparents due to one obvious reason for them being a story-teller. Especially after dinner during sleep time, kids find these stories as a perfect cushion on which they rest their day-long tiredness.

Okay, so now in growing years of the age, I do realized that these stories could be looked upon in different ways. Like, you can take it just a simple story meant to entertain and thrill you or, it could be taken as moral teaching with a dose of leisure.

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